The steroid drug Sustanon is one of the most popular sports drugs that contain a combination of testosterone esters. In particular, Sustanon contains 100mg Testosterone Decanoate , 60mg Testosterone Isocaproate , 60mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate and 30mg Testosterone Propionate . In addition, Sustanon also contains elements such as oil and benzyl alcohol. In our steroid store, you can always buy Sustanon at the best price in Kiev and throughout Ukraine.
Benefits of Sustanon
Due to the fact that each of the testosterone esters that make up the Sustanon preparation has its own peculiarity, which is the rate of absorption in the body, Sustanon helps to maintain a sufficiently high level of anabolic hormones in the body for a whole month, sufficient for effective training. Also important is the fact that they prefer to buy Sustanon also because this drug does not require particularly frequent injections. A dosage of one injection every three weeks is often sufficient, although experienced athletes use one injection per week.
As for those people who are still not sure that the price of Sustanon is justified, they should be advised to read the communities of professional athletes on the Internet, where there is guaranteed to be a huge amount of quite convincing evidence in the form of positive reviews about the use of Sustanon , which they already had the opportunity to buy. , both professional athletes and ordinary amateurs to maintain their figure in excellent condition.

It is mainly advised to buy Sustanon precisely because of the presence in its composition of four types of testosterone ester at once, but this fact gave rise to the opinion that the drug Sustanon may well replace a full-fledged combined course in training, which is prescribed by experts. But, unfortunately, this is not true, since the four elements that make up the Sustanon drug in the body are converted only into testosterone.
The flip side of the high popularity of such a drug as Sustanon is that it is increasingly possible to come across fakes on the sports pharmacology market . At the same time , in order to buy Sustanon , which is guaranteed to be authentic, you need to pay attention to different features that differ depending on the manufacturer of the drug. In our online store we sell exclusively genuine Sustanon , the price of which is quite affordable, as you can easily verify, since all the drugs in our store are “working”.
This solo course, proven by the experience of many athletes and having a lot of positive reviews, is designed to build quality muscles and increase the coefficient of physical strength. Sustanon 250, commonly referred to as Sust , is an excellent modern anabolic steroid that is respected not only by bodybuilders. At a time when most drugs begin to work inside the body only after 1 – 2, 5 weeks, Sustanon-250 from one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical market – the company Organon – gives positive effects after the first injections. By choosing this course course , should not be afraid of occurrence pobochek , the dosage is no longer used. You can find more information here

Having significant indicators of anabolic activity, the steroid shows excellent results in terms of gaining solid muscles. It is the indicators of anabolism, androgenicity and a slight tendency to aromatization that make this tool indispensable for building high-quality dry muscles, give every athlete the opportunity to become much stronger and more enduring. This, in turn, allows you to conduct effective intense training and recover faster after them. Do not use the drug in a dosage over 750 ml for a week. Otherwise, you can face the accumulation of unnecessary fluid and the phenomenon of gynecomastia. If you adhere to the minimum dosages, then fluid retention is minimized and losses after the course are not large.
In order not to get water retention, many enforcers often combine Sust with oral Turinabol . This allows you to minimize the rollback phenomenon after the course. Unlike a solo course, you can get better quality muscles, but a significant increase in the cost of the course is provided. To block fluid retention to a minimum, Proviron is additionally used, which copes well with the tasks set.
Sustanon solo course
In this course, you need to use 12 ml of Sustanon-250 for 6 weeks. The frequency of injections is twice a week, 1 cube at a time. It is best to inject on the same days – for example, Monday and Thursday. In order to reduce fluid retention, it is advised to add Proviron in the amount of 20 tablets. You should drink 1 piece daily from the middle of the course, not earlier to the end.

You need to curl, starting and continuing with 2 ampoules per week. This dosage is safe even for beginners. In practice, it has been proven that taking 1 ampoule per week is ineffective. The average recommended duration of a solo course is 4 – 8 weeks, we chose 6. It is often possible to achieve an increase in musculature up to an average of 5 kg. It is necessary to gradually increase the dosage of the steroid and keep it at the desired level. It is a mistake to think that at the end of the course it is necessary to reduce the dosage again. In this case, you may not get all the declared effects from the solo course.
Post-course therapy
PCT after Sustanon consists of taking Clomid. You will need to purchase the drug in the amount of 20 tablets. Rehabilitation therapy starts 14 to 20 days after the last injection. Drink 1 tablet of Clomid a day. He effectively works to normalize the production of his own testosterone. In general, on their own without this drug, this process will reach a normal level within six months.
This course is as safe as possible for both pros and beginners, if you do not exceed the dosage, do not take the steroid for more than 8 weeks and follow all recommendations