Vitamins interact differently with the human body, with each other and with minerals. There are water-soluble and fat-soluble. If your vitamin complex is only water-soluble, that is vitamins C, PP, as well as group B, it is better to take them in the morning. It is recommended to drink them 30 minutes before meals, during or immediately after meals. Vitamins are fat-soluble – A, D, E, K – should be taken only with fatty food. If you want to help them assimilate faster, you should eat them together with nuts, avocado or salad, dressed with any vegetable oil.
It is better to take the multivitamin complexes in the morning at breakfast and drink a good portion of water – at least a glass. The water should be of neutral temperature, not hot or cold. The only exception is for iron. The assimilation of this mineral is facilitated by vitamin C. You can drink the tablet with orange juice. If you want to buy vitamins, you can use this site
When to drink vitamins: morning or evening

It is better to take vitamins in the morning and minerals in the afternoon. In the morning, iron, vitamins C, E, group B can be perfectly assimilated. But it is better to drink fish oil, vitamins D and K from 18:00 to 21:00, calcium and magnesium from 21:00 to midnight. This will be good for your body and will improve the quality of sleep.
Why do you need to take breaks at the reception
The organism is not a pantry; nothing can be put aside in it. Everything that is not assimilated is eliminated by the liver and kidneys. If there are not enough vitamins, it is bad. But the excess leads to poisoning of the body, can cause allergic reactions, cause problems with the kidneys, liver, negatively affect the work of other internal organs. Oversupply of vitamins can create imbalance and cause an acute shortage of other nutrients. It is most dangerous to overdo it with fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E and K. They are trapped in the liver and fatty tissues.
An excess of water-soluble vitamins is also bad. For example, too high a dose of vitamin C and B2 impairs the absorption of beneficial substances. You should treat taking mono vitamins as seriously as taking medicines, strictly according to instructions and in a certain dosage prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it is necessary to take breaks.
How to combine medicines and vitamins
Vitamin complex is most often prescribed to support immunity and accelerate recovery processes in the body. The proper selection of vitamins and medicines is beneficial. Therefore, we should separately focus on the compatibility of drugs. There are seven important things to know about the compatibility of drugs and vitamins.

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the content of vitamins A, B, C and calcium in the body.
- Under the influence of antibiotics reduces the number of bacteria vital to the body in the intestine. As a result, the absorption of magnesium and calcium, vitamin B and iron is impaired.
- Laxatives and remedies prevent the absorption of vitamins A, D, E.
- Means, reducing cholesterol, should not be combined with taking vitamin A.
- Blood thinner drugs are not recommended to take together with vitamins E and K.
- Sleeping pills may cause calcium deficiency, vitamins A and B, D and E.
- The same situation with various diuretics. They deprive the body of potassium, magnesium, zinc and vitamins B. Vitamin complexes can help to fill the deficiency.
If you do not know how to pick up vitamins for yourself and where to buy them, it is important to find a reliable store. On you can buy all the vitamins that you may need.